Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course is in the process of being completely remastered in Blender 3.2. Currently both the new and original content are in this course, once the remaster is complete students will be able to access the original 2.8 content in a separate archive course.
Blender is a fantastic platform which enables you to make AAA-quality models which can be exported to any game engine, 3D printer, or other software. Here are some of the reasons why you want to learn Blender with this online tutorial…
Create assets for video games.
Make unique 3D printed gifts.
Design your dream house, car, etc
Express yourself through 3D artwork.
Learn how to create 3D Models and Assets for games using Blender, the free-to-use 3D production suite. We start super simple so you’ll be ok with little or no experience. With our online tutorials, you’ll be amazed what you can achieve.
The GameDevtv team has created some of the world’s most popular online game development training courses. This Blender course has been enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of students and, with more than 30,000 5 star reviews, is consistently ranked the #1 Blender course on Udemy in terms of rating and popularity.
The course is project-based, so you will applying your new skills immediately to real 3D models. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources – you’ll never get stuck. There are talking-head videos, powerful diagrams, quality screencasts and more.
For each of the models that you build you will follow this process…
Be challenged to build the entire model yourself.
Be shown step-by-step how to build it.
Apply your knowledge regularly.
Have a more specific focus? Check out our other Blender courses which focus on characters and environments. Want to bring your models to life in a video game engine? Check out our Complete Unity Developer 3D course. Just look for our green leaf logo – a sign of passion & quality.
You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced with modelling and coding, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way. By the end of the course, you’ll be very confident in the basics of 3D modelling and rendering, and hungry to learn more.
If you’re a complete beginner, we’ll teach you all the modelling fundamentals you’ll need. If you’re an artist, we’ll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you’re a coder, we’ll teach you modelling and design principles.
Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (around 20k), in our own Community curated by our supportive and knowledgeable Teaching Assistants (17k views/day), and our student Discord chat group (10k live at any one time).
Dive in now, you won’t be disappointed!
1New Updated ContentText lesson
2Section Intro - Introduction To BlenderVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
An intro to the course and section 1
3Blender 4.2 Updates - Ao & Screen Space ReflectionsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Recent changes to ambient occlusion and screen space reflections in blender 4.2 -
4Downloading BlenderVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Where, how and which version of Blender to download
5Community & SupportVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Lucy invites you to join us in our various community support forums in order to ask questions, connect with other students and share your progress.
6Moving Around the SceneVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
How to navigate the 3d viewport
7Adding ObjectsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
How to add new objects into our scene
8Viewport & RenderingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Discovering the different viewport options and information on rendering
9Material ColoursVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Add materials and colours to our objects
10Material ReflectionsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding material reflection properties and HDRI backgrounds
11LightingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding the different types of lights in Blender
12Editing ObjectsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding the difference between edit mode and object mode
13Simple HousesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making small monopoly style houses for a bigger landscape scene
14Making a LighthouseVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating a lighthouse for our simple landscape
15Making the Rocky BaseVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Using sculpt mode to create a rocky base for our landscape
16The Decimate ModifierVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Using the decimate modifier to make a “lowpoly” rocky base
17SnappingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding the basics of snapping
18Linked DuplicatesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
How to use linked duplicates and why they are useful
19Material SlotsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding how to add multiple materials to an object
20Bloom in Blender 4.2Video lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding how Bloom works in the newer version of Blender -
21Lighthouse MaterialsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Adding materials to the light house and looking at emission materials
22Lighting & AtmosphereVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Adding lights and rendering our project
23Wrap Up - Introduction To BlenderVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
A wrap up of the section with ideas for extension tasks to practice your skills
24Section Intro - Modular DungeonVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
An introduction to modular assets and the advantages and disadvantages of using them
25Creating A BarrelVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making a simple Barrel asset for our modular dungeon
26Creating A CrateVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making a simple crate asset for our modular dungeon
27Creating A PillarVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making a simple Pillar asset for the walls in our modular dungeon
28Pillar Details - BevelVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making the details of the pillar with a closer look at the bevel tools
29Pillar Details - Knife & BisectVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making the details of the pillar with the knife and bisect tools
30Adding MaterialsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Reminding ourselves of the different material options and material slots
31Making WallsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Using our box modelling skills to create walls
32Mirroring the WallsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Developing our skills with the mirror modifier
33Completing the WallsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Completing the walls by joining our objects together
34Creating the Door SurroundVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making the door surround for our doorway
35Cutting the Door OpeningVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making a cut in our door opening
36Shading the WallsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Adding colour to our walls and learning about selecting different pieces of an object in edit mode
37Creating the Floor ModulesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating a few floor modules with broken tiles to add interest to the floor
38Creating the TorchVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating the torch to light our dungeon
39Lighting the DungeonVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating an atmospheric looking dungeon through lighting
40Building the DungeonVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Completing the dungeon building and rendering our scene
41Wrap Up - Modular DungeonsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
A quick wrap up of what we have achieved and some ideas for extension tasks to push your skills
42Section Intro - Low Poly DinosaurVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
A quick intro to the section
43Inserting Background ImagesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
How to put background images into blender so you can use them to guide and build your models
44The Dinosaur BodyVideo lesson
45Dino CurvesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating some curves to our dinosaurs’ shape
46Dino LegsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating the legs of our dinosaur
47Dino clawsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating the claws for the dinosaur
48Dino FaceVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating the arms and the face for our dinosaur
49The LandscapeVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating the landscape for our dinosaur with mountains in the background
50Trees, Lights & ColoursVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Adding trees, adding materials to our objects and adding a lighting setup to add atmosphere
51Intro to NodesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
A look at nodes within the shader editor for adding textures to objects
52The MountainsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Adding a gradient texture and more faces if needed to the mountains
53The Finishing touchesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making the final edits to finish off the scene
54Wrap Up - Low Poly DinosaurVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Some ideas for extension tasks to develop your skills
55Section Intro - UV MappingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Quick intro to the next section
56Basic UV MappingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
An introdution to the basics of UV mapping
57UV Islands & SeamsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding the importance of seams and UV Islands
58Wooden Barrels UV’sVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating a simple wooden barrel using UV mapping
59Lots of BarrelsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding different textures when UV mapping
60Plane Reference ImagesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Start creating a plane and importing references for modelling
61Building The Plane BodyVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Start the modeling process of the plane by building the body
62Building the WingsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Building the wings of the plane developing our modeling skills
63Completing the plane modelVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Completing the plane model by creating the propellers and the cockpit
64Unwrapping the planeVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Unwrapping the main body of the plain so we can place our 2d texture
65Texturing the wingsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Texturing the wings by adding a texture and moving our uv islands
66Texturing the BodyVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Texturing the body by using project from view unwrapping
67Preparing for AnimationVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Getting the plane ready for animation by creating controllers
68Animating The PlaneVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Getting z quick intro to animation by animating the plane
69Scene and Animation AdjustmentsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Adjusting the scene to look more exciting and changing the speed of the animation
70Lighting and HDRI’sVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
A close look at lighting using an HDRI in both Eevee and Cycles
71Rendering AnimationsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Learn how to render out animations
72Wrap Up - UV MappingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Some extension ideas for developing your skills
73Section Intro - Rigging & AnimationVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
What is a walk cycle?
74Basic AnimationVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
A reminder and practice of simple animations
75The Record ButtonVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Learning how to use the record button to make animating faster
76The Graph EditorVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding the graph editor and using curves for animations
77Bone BasicsVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Using bones to influence and animate objects
78Animating BonesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
animating a simple snake using bones
79Subdivision Surface ModellingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating a TV using the subdivision surface modifier
80The Modifier StackVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Completing the TV and understanding the modifier stack
81Blob ManVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Creating our character mesh “blob man”
82Rig Ready MeshesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Completing our blob man ready for rigging
83Building the ArmatureVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Making the armature or skeleton of our character
84IK & ParentingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Understanding IK or Inverse Kinematics
85Weight PaintingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Practice and learn more about weight painting our character
86Animating the Walk CycleVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Animating a walk cycle for our character
87Animated TexturesVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Adding a video file to the tv screen
88Wrap Up - Animation & RiggingVideo lesson
In this video (objectives)…
Extension task ideas for developing your skills